Send subscriptions events to Amplitude. Glassfy monitors the subscriptions and sends relevant events to Amplitude even if the user does not have the app open.

  1. Copy the "API Key" from Amplitude ORG SETTINGS -> Projects -> General
  2. Open the Amplitude connector settingx in the Glassfy dashboard and paste the "API Key"
  3. If you are integrating the Amplitude SDK in your app, follow these instruction to connect the events data with the user

Event format

Glassfy sends Amplitude a record with the following format every time an event is generated:

  "api_key": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX",
  "events": [
      "event_type": 5001,
      "user_id": "43ac4928d1c048eab25dec698ae4f0bd",
      "time": 1619706461000,
      "app_version": "1.0",
      "os_name": "iOS",
      "device_manufacturer": "Apple",
      "os_version": "12.5.1",
      "sdk_version": "dev",
      "bundle_version": "66",
      "country": "GB",
      "revenue": 2.7772076344423917,
      "productId": "ios_premium_weekly_1_99",
      "quantity": 1,
      "event_properties": {
        "expires_at": 1607955966000,
        "purchased_at": 1607955786000,
        "environment": "Sandbox",
        "product_permissions": "articles,",
        "presented_offering_id": "",
        "transaction_id": "1000000788008512",
        "original_transaction_id": "1000000754137991"

Integrate with Amplitude SDK

If you integrate the Amplitude SDK in your app, follow these instructions{:target="_blank"} and add the following code:

Glassfy.initialize(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY", userId: "appUserId")

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
  // Initialize SDK
  // Set userId
  // Log an event

  return true
[Glassfy initializeWithAPIKey:@"YOU_API_KEY" userId:@"appUserId"];

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
  // Enable sending automatic session events
  [Amplitude instance].trackingSessionEvents = YES;
  // Initialize SDK
  [[Amplitude instance] initializeApiKey:@"API_KEY"];
  // Set userId
  [[Amplitude instance] setUserId:@"userId"];
  // Log an event
  [[Amplitude instance] logEvent:@"app_start"];

  return YES;