Active Subscriptions Movement

The Active Subscriptions Movement graph shows the change in the number of subscribers over time.

It consists of the following components:

  • New Subscriptions: The new subscriptions started in the period under consideration.
  • Restarted Subscriptions: Previously expired subscriptions that restarted in the period under consideration.
  • Resumed Subscriptions: Previously paused subscriptions that resumed in the period under consideration.
  • Churned Subscriptions: The subscriptions which have passed their expiry date without having been renewed.
  • Paused Subscriptions: The subscriptions which have been paused. Paused subscriptions don't generate revenue, but in general they can be paused for a limited amount of time, thus they are supposed to restart in the near future.
  • Product Change: Subscriptions that have upgraded, crossgraded or downgraded. These will not generally show up unless there is a filter set on SKU or duration. In these cases you can observe a product change reduction for that specific segment, and you should find a corresponding product change increase in the product that subscription changed into.

The Active Subscriptions Movement graph is calculated using the following formula:

Net Movement = New Subscriptions + Restarted Subscriptions + Resumed Subscriptions + Product Change (To) - Churned Subscriptions - Paused Subscriptions - Product Change(From)