The purchase history object

offer_code_ref_nameId of the Offering object involved in the transaction.
productIdstore product identifier
skuIdId of the Glassfy Sku object purchased by your customer.
typeevents type
date_msDate and time of the transaction.
expire_date_msExpiration date and time of the purchased item, if applicable.
transaction_idOriginal trasaction identifier
subscriberIdSubscriber identifier
currency_codeISO Code of the currency used by the customer.
country_codeISO Code of the country of the Store the transaction took place from.
is_in_intro_offer_periodTrue if the user is in intro offer (including trial)
promotional_offer_idIdentifier of the promotioanl offer or null
offer_code_ref_nameoffer code ref name or null
licensecodelicense code or null
web_order_line_item_idiOS web order line item / Android Order ID
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